Monday, December 29, 2014

Night #2

Last night's dream was a bit more interesting, seeming to follow up to the dream from the night before. The events that happened in it can only be described as unnerving.

I was in my central room and the doors were are all open, still leading to different places in that industrial city-esque area. Curiosity got the better of me and I went through one of the doorways after waiting a significant amount of time and determining that they were not to change again. After walking through the door, it closed behind me and everything went dark. When I could see again, I was in a back alley full of broken glass, cut and bleeding. As I got up to look around and call for someone, I could feel the sensation of someone watching me, but I could not see anybody. I looked through the city for some time, encountering no other people and no end to the city, even after walking in one direction for long enough that one would expect things to change. At this point, I heard a noise behind me, and when I turned around I instantly awoke.

That's not the part I find scary, however, The thing about this that scares me is the fact that I awoke with a large cut exactly where I was cut by the glass in the dream. I'm sure I only dreamt getting cut because I actually somehow hurt myself while asleep, and that led to the dream, as opposed to the other way around, but it's still a little bit unnerving.

I also feel like I haven't got any sleep at all, despite actually being in bed for 10+ hours. Actually, I felt that way yesterday too. I dunno, it's weird.

Finally, to the guy who's been talking to me in the comments- Dante whatever-it-is. I appreciate the thought, dude, and I certainly appreciate any interpretations I can get, but I'm pretty sure any messages my dreams are telling me are from my subconscious mind trying to communicate with me, not from anything supernatural. I've never really believed in that kind of stuff, so I'm not gonna use that as an explanation as long as there are any other possibilities. I do appreciate any ideas on what you think the messages of the dreams might be, however. I do ask that anybody who has even a small idea will comment, it could be useful, who knows.

Shit, I'm tired.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Night #1

Well, I promised I would update this every day, even if nothing much seems to happen, and so I am. Last nights dream was mildly odd, I suppose, but not really much of anything, I would say.

The dream consisted of nothing more than me sitting in my living room as each door in the apartment slowly opened and closed. Each doorway I could see through would lead to a different location each time, ranging from rooms in the apartment they couldn't possibly connect with to locations I cannot even begin to identify, but most seeming relatively normal, like what looked like a bar and what appeared to be a large ballroom. Eventually, all of these doors looked into what seemed to be different locations of the same large, run down, industrial city. They then began opening and closing in rapid succession, each time looking into what appeared to be a different part of the same city. It was at this point I awoke and realized that I could not move at any point during this dream.

Eh, a bit unnerving, I suppose, but not really strange or frightening.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hello, World

Hello, to all of you fine people reading this. My name is David, and this is a dream journal, as if you couldn't tell by the blog title.

I've been suffering from strange dreams for the past several months, ranging from horrible nightmares to dreams that were simply bizarre. All of which have been extremely vivid and realistic, and leave a lasting impression after I awaken. For a time. After a little bit, all of my memory of each of them seems to simply fade out, leaving me able to remember the fact that I had odd and disturbing dreams but unable to remember what these dreams were.

Anyways, I've been to many therapists about this, and even in a mental health clinic for a weekend, but none seemed to be able to offer any advice until now. My most recent therapist has informed me that writing out what your dreams are can help make it clearer what they are trying to say and can sometimes cause recurring ones to end. He urged me to do this on a blog of some sort so that if anyone out there in the vast wide internet can has any ideas on what a dream might mean they can tell me. He informed me he will also read the descriptions and let me know in person what he thinks about them each time we meet.

Hopefully, this project can give me some peace of mind. If this interests other people out there, well, that's a bonus.